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Install Tensorboard

Install Tensorboard in the same venv you will use in the Jupyter notebook

pip install jupyter-tensorboard

Note: If jupyter is already running when installing this package, you have to restart the Jupyter server.

Start Tensorboard in the Jupyter notebook

You can use the jupyter magic for it

%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir {logs_base}

Jupyter Notebook tensorboard magic

pidfile for Tensorboard process (Windows)

I had the problem that Tensorboard tried to reuse an old instance that it thought still running. It turns out, that each Tensorboard process creates an Unix-style pidfile in %TEMP%\.tensorboard-info, which usually get’s deleted before the kernel is terminated. But was still in the folder even though no python processes were running anymore. After deleting this file, a new process did start without a problem.

Tensorboard pidfile in Windows

Source: Shengpeng Liu on Github